Continuo from previous post .
First thing was to sand Pepperpot throats , clean them and magnets with compressed air , degrease throats with nitro-solvent and put some paper skirt , prior to spraying . I chose Graphite Black Kenda spray paint .
While they were drying , some work was made on basket and cones – correcting some rough edges around holes on basket and cleaning residue of old glue , positioned between basket and pole plate . Later I cleaned glue from pole plates too :
Then,adding some two component glue to cone/spider/former joint , and one layer of Dammar to paper part of VC formers :
Back of magnet work – removed peeling patches of old glue on top of screws , putting some nitro paint instead , gap cleaned with paper sticky tape .
Magnets – cleaning the gap with paper sticky tape then on to assembly . No need for shims (centering ! ) , just eyes were enough . Pictures of just one, second is looking pretty same 😉
To be continued …….. thorough cleaning of old surround rubber-based goo , applying special ZM mixture instead , dammar to cones , Hf ‘fragms back in place ……..