My friend , known around as FFL ( younger of two wakoo brothers from Nagybecskerek ) , brought a pair of , well , pretty beaten up K3809 Tannoys ; They’re having new HF diaphragms, but surround is long ago in rock solid form …….. well above 60Hz .
There were also few more problems – suspicious bass VC centering on one at least , sorta tired cones and ugly gaskets …….
I didn’t took any pic prior to dismantling magnet assemblies from baskets , but there will be few pics of drivers from above , prior to finishing steps , so you’ll have some insight in their condition , as they arrived on my bench ……..
Read picture captions for detailed info .
It started due to adventurous spirit of Ninja ( as known on Baby DiyA ) – he found them somewhere on web adds , I believe in Denmark .
As he said – “I don’t know do I need them , but somebody will “ ; due to fact that one is reported as having de-centred bass cone , they were pretty decent price-wise .
Pretty benign pictures , sent to Ninja from seller ; half-luck – just one is having K3809 type sticker , but both are no-back-ribs …… we were hoping in that moment that no-name one is not K3805 (higher Fs , used in Puma cabs) :
Continuo from previous post .
Up to removing old hardened surround impregnation . Entire procedure is already explained here, but I’ll try to illustrate it and explain more thoroughly .
What you need is :
– Alcohol (Etanol) 96%
– cotton rug
– small container for Alcohol
– small brush ; that sort which is bad for any painting , but perfect for purpose – around 10mm wide , plastic threads – so it is semi-hard ….. perfect for applying some force , which we really need here .
Continuo from previous post .
First thing was to sand Pepperpot throats , clean them and magnets with compressed air , degrease throats with nitro-solvent and put some paper skirt , prior to spraying . I chose Graphite Black Kenda spray paint .