Almost everything I had on my previous small web site

Tnx to good people on , and especially our Webhamster Mikorist , here it is :



Pair of non-matched Tanns – one 3833 (mint) and one 3836 ( supposedly needing recone), tnx to enormous and kind help of Ninja (and smuggling expertise of another friend – Paja959) – obtained from outer space for my kiddoe – SuperFi . As confirmed on net , difference between 3833 and 3836 is just here and there in color of some details ( golden ring around surround on one of them , while on other one, that ring is black) .

After some examination , measurements of all coils Rdc , I decided to make most direct and most benign steps , to decide is it necessary to buy new cone (150E franco BG) , or something else can be done .

So – all was needed is to soak spider circumference with acetone , pill it up , then unscrew 4 imbus bolts – to remove magnet assembly from basket ;

Bingo !

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I’m lazy , so there are excerpts from my correspondence on Tannoy Yahoo group; all quotes – Mighty ZM 😉

I’m putting this here as future reference for some other desperate Tanner .

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