As my Pal Michael Rothacher (his Blog you can find in my Blogroll list ) wrote today on Diyaudio , Zen turns Twenty .



I can’t do anything better then MR already wrote :

 Zen Turns Twenty

Twenty years ago this month, the big guy gave us the amp that launched a thousand DIYers.The Zen amp brought the minimalism of the SET movement to the solid-state crowd all in a nice, easy-to-build (and understand), low-voltage project. Hundreds and hundreds of copies have been built, along with many more hundreds of variations. Zen let us “think different”, have a little fun, and brought countless hours of listening enjoyment and education.Happy anniversary, Zen! And many, many thanks, Nelson. Will there be cake?

So , I’m just posting copy of article here , for your enjoyment ………



Tnx MR , to remind us …… to make a wink in Papa’s direction …… 😉