Well , it started long ago …. when I was really young(st)er, full with naivete and BS , came to pretty novel idea to make xformer loaded tube line stage …
Result of first tests , hardly optimal ( using two halves of 6SN7 in parallel and loaded with ancient xformer from vertical section amplifier of ancient B-W tube TV set) , I was blown with ‘till then unknown dimension of sound – everything was so alive ….
Later I made several iterations of line stage with same approach , being so proud for reinventing boiled water , until I got some xerox copies of Sound Practices , where I found that even in boiled water reinventing I wasn’t first ….. boyz from Italia already made Euridice preamp ; anyway , intermediate iteration was with two halves of 6DJ8 in parallel , latest one being with ubiquitous EC8010 and custom made xformer . That being even published on my old site –
WOT preamp and battery charger