My Sister and me ……..

My Sister is 6 yrs older than me , while always sort of younger ; we grew up reading books ….. plenty of them . Plenty .

One of our favorite writers of our childhood was certainly William Saroyan , and two of his books still are (in Old Fart Age of ours) more then present and applicable in our lives ……


These two books are Mama I Love You (1956) and  Papa You’re Crazy (1957) .

We were reading them in Serbo-Croatian translation , published in edition of Biblioteka Vjeverica (translated for you as – Chipmunk Library 😉 ) , well known in , then , Yugoslavia.

Books were , as many of them , first read out by our Mother , later my Sis was reading them to both of us and some later I read them alone .

Much later , my Sis read those books to her Children ……… and I’m still reading them to my Isidora.

Isidora , being 10 yrs young , is perfectly able to read but it’s so much more fun when her Pa is reading them , with slight voice over-playing 😉 ….

My Niece Nina – Sister’s Daughter , is presently in US of A , tnx to Student Exchange Program ; being in Fargo these days is not best thing in the World ( freezing numbers , in any nomenclature – 40-ish C under Zero ) but she is , luckily , on sort of Student’s Vacation – spending time with friends in California.

My Sis asked Nina to visit a Beach in Malibu , where is most of Papa You’re Crazy situated.

Result of that visit is here :


Buddha is everywhere .

William Saroyan ……. pretty mighty picture :

