
Real quickie ; made of parts I had laying around .

Big rotary switch – gift from Bata Bane ( as known on Baby DiyA) ; Russian , of course , made for temporary (push!) contact with sharp needle-like contacts.

I changed what I need to change , so made it with proper contacts for moving bridge part , make-then-brake ; good enough for power plant 😉

Xformers – well known jobbie from Intact Audio – The $200 Autoformer Volume Control (AVC)

They’re Geschenk from my Personal Wakoo German – Generg ( as known on Big DiyA) .

Small pcbs mounted on them are to save pins from bending and unpinned wires going directly from coil .

Input selector switch – old but good – pulled from LPT switch box ( one pc to 4 LPT Printers) ;4 positions ,27 sections ; I connected (trice) 9 sections in parallel and used two of them for L & R switching of 4 inputs.So , having 9 switches in parallel can’t hurt 😉 .

Case – from previous life , RCA – what I had in box .

Soon – proper Jfet input buffer , to have arbitrary high input impedance and output impedance in range of few ohms to 30-ish ohms ; no need for output buffer .

After that , I’ll try few lam-stacking arrangements and decide which of them is best for me.

Also – proper copper face , feet , missing RCAs ,etc.